Saturday, 21 February 2009

Things What Are Great #8 - Star Wars

In a nutshell:- Seriously? You honestly have to ask?

The Basics:- Something about fighting in space, I think. I'm not sure, I've only seen it the once. No, of course, that's the whoppingest of massive-type lyings. It didn't even occur to me to do this one as a "Things What Are Great" blog because it's that ingrained that it didn't even show up on the radar. Not even long range... So, a long time ago, in a living room not so far away, a small boy was sat down in front of a shiny VHS copy of a futuristic type film called Star Wars. His parents' wallets would never be the same again...

Why's It So Great Then?:- There are reams and reams and sites and sites dedicated to this subject if you care to seek out that sort of thing (shouldn't take very long to find) so let's go into why it's so great for me personally (and bear in mind that I'm talking about the original trilogy here). The main reason - I was the perfect age when the films came out - born a year before the first film hit the cinemas. For me, it's always been there. Always. I have no pre-Star Wars memories. For as long as I can remember, I've been a Star Wars obsessive (same goes for Doctor Who but I blogged about that a while back once it emerged from the shadows and became something people talked about in public again). It was the thing that made a sci-fi fan out of me, that made me a collector (the toys and the Return Of The Jedi comic started down the slippery collecting slope) and that made me a lifelong film fanatic. So, it's had a big influence on my life.

Surely Some Of It Must Be Rubbish:- Looked at with the clinical, analytical eyes of someone not immersed lifelong in it, than yes, there are creaky moments and wonky dialogue. Throw the prequels*, perpetual "Special Edition" style tinkering, spin-offs and endless merchandising into the mix as well and it's easy to start pouring scorn on them. But you stick me down in front of that original set of films and I'll always be in the right mood to watch them with the glasses I'm wearing firmly in place and all rosy of tint.

So We Should Seek Out This Thing Of Which You Speak?:- No, probably not. "What?!?", I hear you say (well, not really cause I'm not even in the country at the moment and even if I was I wouldn't be able to hear you as you read this 'cause that's not how the internet works but you get the idea). "Isn't this the bit where you tell us to go and watch it?" Normally, yes, that's true but I figure that if you've not seen it by now or if you have but don't like it then you're unlikely to be swayed by my opinion. Spend your time doing something you'll enjoy instead. Leave the Star Wars watching to me - I'll enjoy it more than enough for the both of us.

* My very basic opinion on the prequels? Well, there is a lot to like in there but there's a loooooot that's wrong with the them. If you want me to go into more detail then you're some kind of insane masochist opening up a nerd-based Pandora's Box.


Marmite Breath said...

I adore nerd-based Pandora's Boxes. They're the best. Seeing nerds go apeshit is so much fun!

(For the record, I find nerds incredibly hot)

Irish Gumbo said...

Huzzah, Baldy Fella! I saw 'Star Wars' at least 8 times in the theater, and again on cable TV.

You have it pegged: the original story, as goofy as it may appear, was really quite good. And at the time, the space opera that it was just pushed all the right buttons.

"That's great, kid, don't get cocky!" hehheh..

Marmite Breath said...

By the way, we watched Star Wars last night. My seven year old is slightly obsessed,

That Baldy Fella said...

Marmite Breath - Maybe we could get nerd baiting recognised as some sort of international sport (all done in an affectionate way, of course). My inner seven year iold is still obsessed...

I.G. - Yeah, they're still great, aren't they? I went to se the Special Edition at the cinema when it was released in Berlin as I was staying with a friend in Germany at the time and watching in German was in no way detrimental as I already knew the entire script...