A small blogette for your delictation today and it's gone all interactive again for you. Below is one of my favouritest ever pictures from a friend's 30th birthday party a few years back (yes, hard to belive that I'm not a sprightly 18 year old, I know). All you have to do is supply a suitably amusing caption for it. Easy, isn't it? The winner and notable runners up will be announced later.
Here's the pic:-
Toodle pip and good luck!
And the winner of the 163rd Upper Class Twit of the Year Show is.....
Actually, that first caption sounded a bit meaner than I had intended. I humbly offer this instead (in full knowledge of the poor quality of both efforts):
"Wow, the Pet Shop Boys have really let themselves go...."
TBF throws down the gauntlet on a rather surprised party guest. Meanwhile, the fellows in the front continue to enjoy the The Specials throw down on "Monkey Man".
Is that Cheryl Cole standing over there?
Mr the Fella went for the crotch grab, knowing the look on his victim's face would be attribued to his shadeless eyes catching sight of the hideous shirt in front of him.
"Is anyone else starting to feel that this is not coincidental?"
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