Tuesday 19 December 2017

This Is Not A Post

Well, alright, smartypants, technically yes, this is a post as clearly I've written something here and you're reading it*. That's not what I was trying to get at. What I meant by the flippant yet slightly click-baity title** is that this post isn't really about anything. My, you are pedantic today, aren't you, imaginary reader that I'm holding an imaginary conversation with in my head? Yes, obviously, it's about something but it's not themed like they usually are.

So what am I writing about today? Well, I'm glad you asked me that.*** I thought today I'd talk a little bit about what this blog is about. I know, it's a Tuesday, it's nearly Christmas and that's a little on the existential side but if you're not up for it, just stop reading.****

It's about whatever I want it to be.

Worth the build-up there, wasn't it? Alright, alright, what I mean by that is that it'll vary from day to day as to what it'll be. Some days it might be a review or overview of some piece of pop culture (TV, film, book, comic, game); some days it may an anecdote, either about something recent or from way back in the mists of time (alright, not much further past the 80s, I'm not that old); some days it might be a piece of random fiction like yesterday's throwaway silliness; and some days it might be a piece about how I don't really have a piece (ah yes, I've brought it back round at the end there).

All of which is to say that this isn't really much of a post but some days, it'll just be like that, you know?*****

Come back tomorrow for hopefully not more of the same. Maybe something different. Or maybe not. (Note to self:- Work on sales pitch.)

* Yes you are, don't try and pretend you're not.

** Clickbait - there's a term that wasn't in popular use when I last regularly posted here. And now I sound a bit like your grandad using the word "iPhone" like someone's just popped something weird and new in his mouth. Not like that, don't be dirty. Filthbag.

*** Look, I know you didn't ask me that but the twee faux-conversational style is just the way it works around here so go with it.

**** Don't stop reading.

***** Look, you try traveling from Oop North (practically Winterfell) back to Dahn Sarf and be fascinating yet scintillating.

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