Tuesday 12 December 2017

Six Years Later...

Once upon a time, this was an occasionally semi-regular blog with words being put on it (usually one after the other in the traditional fashion, lined up to comprise sentences to begin with, before herding themselves into paragraphs). Then it all stopped. No big dramatic reason. As is the way, these things just sort of fall by the wayside. You stop doing it one day and then you stop doing it the next day and then you seem to have stopped doing it all the days. Every now and then, an idle “I should really get back to doing that again” would flit across the old grey matter but then it would equally flit away again as I got back to work / socialising / doing stuff round the house / playing board games / lying in bed watching boxset after boxset / falling down an unexpected hole in the internet / playing a pointless smartphone based game / insert other modern drain upon one’s time here.

There comes a day, however, when the fingers stray once more to the keyboard. When it seems like there is a word to go here after all followed by another word to go there. And maybe, and possibly, this thing in a small corner of the deep recesses of the web becomes a thing again.

Hello. I’m fully aware of the strong likelihood that no one is reading this. Six years away would deplete even the most hardcore of audiences for most things and, given the readership here numbered in the tens on a good day, I don’t expect much of a response. That’s OK. This was always just a way for the stuff in the head to run off on to the page and it was a nice little bonus if the words were looked at by people’s eyes. (Everyone with pretensions of writing has an imaginary audience in their head anyway - they always give all the right responses so there’s really no need for you*).

Will it last? Well, that’s always the question, isn’t it? It’ll last as long as it lasts and then it’ll stop but then maybe it’ll start again. I think that’s the sort of guarantee I can definitely stick to. What sort of thing can you expect from it? To be perfectly honest, more of the sort of stuff that was on here before really - a relatively inane combination of half-formed anecdote and ill-informed opinion with strong delusions of humour. You’d think that over half a decade away would sharpen the mind, wouldn't you? Nope, afraid not. I’m galloping headlong towards the desolate plains of middle-age now so I’m a small step away from not caring if I go outside in my pajamas as it’s more comfortable**.

So, imaginary head audience, sit back, relax and prepare to enjoy between two and five blog posts before I realise that it’s Christmas and it was a very silly idea to try doing this again at this time of year.

* Obviously I don’t mean you. You get this. I mean all the other ones who don’t get it. Yeah, them.+

** I probably shouldn’t, though. I’m a boxers and T-shirt kind of a guy so that’s maybe not the  look I should take outside the house. Borderline indecent exposure, really.

+ Oh, and if you’re new to this, I like a footnote. My mind is tangential at the best of times so the footnote will definitely be employed.


Irish Gumbo said...

Well, This is like gallivanting through space and encountering a message beamed from the opposite direction. All of us heading higher and yon at the speed of light or radio waves, and every so often our sensors pick it up. Fire up the radio telescope, gentlemen, there’s life out there!

That Baldy Fella said...

It's good to be back!

Simon B said...

Wow! The ghost of blogs past! It's good to see you back :-)

That Baldy Fella said...

Thanks, squire!