Thursday 16 July 2009

Incidental Weekend - Arriving on 3rd September...

Yes, that film what we made about three and a half years is finally going to see the light of day! On Thursday, 3rd September, we shall be screening it at 18:00 at the Curzon Soho on Shaftesbury Avenue in good old London. In the next couple of days, we'll be putting out information about how you can purchase a ticket to this rather spiffing event (if you happen to be around and in the London area on 3rd September) but, in the meantime, here's a brand, spanking new trailer for you to enjoy (which has been inexplicably squeezed by YouTube even though it's definitely in widescreen).

Have some of that:-

P.S. Given that I have quite a bit to get done over the next few weeks, you may notice a distinct decline in the number of blog posts you get. I leave it to your own discretion as to whether this is a good or a bad thing.


kapgaf said...

Holy Crap, Baldy,
The vid isn't working and you're only showing the film in farking London. Tough on us poor sods in France (maybe you'll make it onto the arthouse circuit?).
I wish you (and the evil nose-picking lady plus other member of the cast / production team) many wonderful things - fame and fortune but mostly fortune because I think fame might turn out to be a bit tedious when you can't go for a pint any more, yearkno ? (yearkno was the word verfi, and I just worked it in there in order to give some verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative).

kapgaf said...

Ok, came back, vid's now working but haven't seen any posters in France for a private preview. I live in hopes.
Today's word verification is highly appropriate : whinge.

That Baldy Fella said...

Thanks for the fortune wishes - I'd rather that over fame. Well, today London, tomorrow...well, if not France, maybe we'll get as far as Dover...