Friday 29 March 2019

An Incidental Week - Part The Last

The Long Slog
The casting, the filming, that’s the interesting bit; the part where you get anecdotes and funny/scary/other adjective stories. The editing - well, that’s where the film comes together but it’s a long slow slog and not exactly a wealth of interesting tidbits. It also took around three years to complete - when you’re making a low-to-no budget film, you still have to work to pay the bills. So work and social lives took precedence and the editing was done when the editing could be done.

As with any film, you’re always thinking about the stuff you never did - like making a full fake music video for the student band or filming all of the extra scenes cut from the script to use as trailers. Still, you do what you can with the time and resources you have at the time.

The Final Product
Until… well, see for yourselves:-

Yes, that is the whole film available in its entirety for you to watch on The YouTube (as the kids all call it). 

If you want a direction with me and Rich wittering all over the top of the actors doing their speaky bits (or Director's Commentary, as they're known) then you can have a squint at this version:-

And if you want some behind the scenes stuff and just general mucking about, there's these two vids:-

Basically, we put all of this out on DVD at a point when people where moving away from DVD and just wanting stuff digitally/online. It’s all in the timing. (But if you would like a copy on DVD, I’ve still got one or two or one hundred and fifty left so just get in touch - they make excellent coasters.)

So there you have it. A whistlestop tour of the story of the film ending with the film itself. What more can you ask for from a free blog on the internet? Well, yes, alright, apart from dirty videos. Yeesh, no pleasing some people.

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