Wednesday 8 August 2018

More Actual Physical Non-iPad Based Games

Hey, it’s the summer holidays - a time for those of you with younglings to spend ludicrous amounts of money in order to escape the heat in Britain for the heat in another country but with probably a pool or something and those of you without younglings to look smug about spending less money pn holidays at other times of year while enjoying reduced levels of overcrowding (fewer people in the armpits) on public transport. What better way to enjoy the fiery ball of super-heated plasma punishing our puny meat-based frames than with new-fangled take on the old-fashioned board game? (Probably ice cold booze but stick with it, this is all I have for the intro-y bit.)

Type:- Board game
In A Nutshell:- Stay on the board, you win
That is a simplistic description of the game but there really isn’t much to it in terms of rules. Each player has three tiles with different paths on them - you lay down a tile next to an existing one to move your piece without leading it off the board. Lats person with a piece still on the board wins. A good simple one for everyone top grasp and a quick fun one to play.

Bears Vs Babies
Type:- Card game
In A Nutshell:- Build up your monsters to defeat the armies of babies
Yep, from the people who brought you Exploding Kittens, it’s another silly and slightly inappropriate card game (with a NSFW expansion to make it really super-inappropriate). Basically, you build up monsters with head, torso,, arm and leg cards (ones with bear heads get extra points)  in order to defeat the baby cards in the centre of the table. Person who has defeated the most babies wins. The joy from this one comes in the ludicrously weird monsters everyone builds up as they go along.

Type:- Board game
In A Nutshell:- Compete to see who can build a quilt first
Yes, I realise that the “In A Nutshell” description makes this game sound both tedious and for those who are over 80 but it’s a surprisingly simple and enjoyable game. Basically, you compete for pieces which you use to fill up your board - you get points for the pieces at the end but lose points for empty spaces. One of those games that is not done justice but the concept / description.

There you go, a couple more suggestions to get you to put the electronic device (after you’ve read this, of course - there are limits) and go out and do something more interesting instead. Yes, you’re right, it did go a little bit “Why Don’t You...?” at the end there.

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