Monday 11 June 2018


It may not be immediately obvious but I do have a couple of guidelines for what gets written about in this here tiny corner of the internet (with its readership edging into the tens). In general, I don’t write about friends or living family and I don’t write about work. The second one is largely out of a healthy sense of self-preservation; this may be a tiny, mostly unread corner of the internet but it is published and public so, much as I might love to write about [EXCISED] and his [CENSORED] and the time that [REDACTED], those parts of my life will remain undocumented in order to ensure that I still get paid money on a monthly basis in return for doing things at the unnamed company at which I work*.

This does create a little bit of a restriction - it cuts out big chunks of my life in terms of potential blog material. There may be the occasional small mention of someone in passing, either in relation to an event that we may have been to or due to a shared interest or if it’s something that we’ve done publicly (as evidenced in the blog posts on filmmaking way, waaay back at the start some 450-odd posts ago) but I try to refrain from discussing other people on here. Why is that? Well, it’s simple - it’s their personal life too and they didn’t ask to be written about so it doesn’t seem very fair to make it public when they might not want it to be. Also, my friends are all boring.**

What does this mean? Well, it means you get posts about things and stuff and random musings. Sometimes it means you not only get posts about nothing but you also get posts that highlight the fact that they’re about nothing. Yep, you’ve guessed it - I’ve decided to try and post something every weekday (no one looks at this at the weekend) and I had nothing today. So I’ve told you all about having nothing today. And you read it. I think that means that i won. You’re welcome.***

* Yup, I have never named the place at which I work on here. If I did, I would have to kill you all. Only joking. Or am I? Yes, I am. But am I? Ok, enough of that.

** Not really, I don’t mean that. You know I don’t mean you anyway, I mean the other ones. Yeah, you know which ones. You were always my favourite anyway.

*** Alright, I’ll try and write about something tomorrow. Well, at the very least, I won't wrote about nothing. (Is that the same thing? Probably.)

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