Thursday 21 December 2017

M'Rao, Scourge of the Lands Exterior

M’Rao, Scourge of the Lands Exterior, felt the pull of wakefulness upon him. It was not yet light but the day was already demanding his attention. The night, much like the day before it, had been one of debauchery and excess. In fact, thinking about, every day and every night was a feast for the senses. His wants and needs drove him ever onwards and he made no secret about it.

As his eyes pulled their way languidly open while his body stretched to its full length, M’Rao cast his mind back over the events of the previous night. The night had begun in the traditional fashion by feasting at the appointed hour until his belly was sated. M’Rao had then ventured forth into the Lands Exterior to begin the night time hunt. Amongst M’Rao’s kin, the time of darkness was considered to be a fitting time to hunt one’s prey as the challenge was greater and the victory more satisfying. Anyone could hunt in the bright light of day but a true predator tested his mettle in the inky jet blackness that allowed for no mistakes.

The pickings were slim within his own territory so M’Rao chose to take the risk of encroaching upon the domain of another. This was always a risky gambit as, were he to be caught, the result would likely be open warfare. M’Rao was fully aware of this but cared little for the consequences. Ferocity and boldness stirred in his heart, not the cringing timidity of a lesser being. The hunt would bring success; failure was not an option.

He did not have long to wait. A flutter, a glimpse of movement nearby. M’Rao stilled his movements, hugging the ground with his body as closely as was possible. His prey wove into view. A Flying Beast and it was on the ground! The unselfconscious nature of its movements told M’Rao that it was not aware of his presence. Almost imperceptibly, M’Rao inched slightly forward. He could see that as he got closer that it was a Lesser Flying Beast but he was not deterred by the size of the creature; the hunt was still hunt no matter the the prize and it would still make a splendid offering for the Sacred One.

M’Rao slowly, ever so slowly, edged his way into position. Fortune favoured M’Rao for he had managed to position himself downwind and the prey remained oblivious to him. Slowly, slowly closer. M’Rao needed no weaponry; as far as M’Rao was concerned, his body was a finely honed killing machine, the deadliest weapon he needed.

Closer, closer. The moment had to be judged just right. Not a second too soon, not a second too- A leap! A screech. Blood. Feathers. A flurry of frantic movement and then… Stillness.

The Beast was defeated. The need for the hunt had been satisfied. His kill proudly displayed and fiercely guarded from any would-be thieves, M’Rao made his way back to his own territory. The offering for the Sacred One had to be left in one of the four designated Places of Power in order for it to be recognised as a fitting tribute. Only once it had been arranged and displayed (tradition demanded that the innards be fully visible to clearly show the ferocity of the hunt), the time for celebration could begin. M’Rao left his kill and ventured forth once more into the Lands Exterior, this time with a different sort of hunting on his mind. Stealth was no longer an option.

When it came to attracting the ladies, M’Rao had one real advantage on his side -  his voice. The sweet, dulcet tones of his song could soften even the hardest of hearts. Intoxicated with the success achieved against his nighttime foe, M’Rao let his voice ring out loud and clear into the night. As was usually the case, it didn’t take long for an answering voice to complement his own, turning his solo into a duet.

Before long, the owner of this answering call came into view, picking her way through the long grasses of the Lands Exterior. A fine looking filly with jet black hair. M’Rao felt his pulse quicken. As she slinked towards him, he could see that his song was working its usual magic upon her. She moved further in, ever nearer. Soon they were nearly touching and then they were touching, pressed together in the frantic heat of the moment. M’Rao was engaged in his second tussle of the night, just as enjoyable but in an oh so different way. As quickly as it had started, it was over. Lusts satisfied, they went their separate ways, neither one sparing so much as a glance in the other’s direction. 

With his various carnal desires satisfied for the night, M’Rao returned to the heart of the Interior for some rest before the day began. He checked that his offering was still suitably displayed and, satisfied in a night well spent, retired to his preferred bedchamber (there were many places that he liked to sleep but this was his favourite).

Morning had arrived now and M’Rao, still filled with satisfaction over a night well spent, hauled himself up to greet the day. As he made his way past the Place of Power, he noted with a sense of pleasure that his offering was no longer there. M’Rao felt blessed that the favour of the Sacred One would continue to be bestowed upon him.

A sudden shadow blotted out the morning light. M’Rao looked up. A vast creature, many, many times larger than he was, was making its way towards him. The Sacred One! Come to shower him with the glory which was rightly his! M’Rao made his approach, stopping to adopt the traditional signs of fealty accompanied with the formal hum of devotion.


Susie watched as the small tabby cat sidled his way over to her and rubbed back and forth between her legs, purring contentedly as he did so.

Yeah, you might well suck up to me, Mr Binky, thought Susie. That’s the third time this week I’ve woken up and stepped in a dead bird.

The creature, referred to by Susie as Mr Binky but known in his heart of hearts as M’Rao, ceased his rubbing and ambled his way over to the cat flap, pausing only for a brief wash of his genitals on the way. Today was a new day and the Lands Exterior were calling once again.

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